During the training program the main topics of the meeting and the practical part were presented by the stuff of the Medical University of Graz, including: Managing Director of the Biobank at the Medical University of Graz Dr. Karine Sargsyan; Project Manager Dr. Tanja Macheiner; Senior Scientist Dr.Thomas Schwarzbraun; Dr. Erwin Petek, Dr.El-Heliebi, Associate Prof.; Dr. Wilfried Renner, Kristina Kofler from Department of ResearchDevelopment and Technology Transfer, Biobank, Graz; Dr. Ingeborg Klymiuk, Managing Director; Prof. Eleonore Fröhlich; Dr. Harald Köfeler; Sigrid Deller.
The summary of the main activities are:
- the handling of different types of samples and storage conditions (pre-analytical chain)
- guided tour through the Graz Biobank facilities on the pre-analytical workflow within biobanks, in combination with sample storage and data handling.
- overview on genetic counseling routine processes and genetic diagnostics
- training on basic elements of genetic diagnostics, started from patients registration and sample collection from final genetic test reports
- the guided tour through genetic diagnostic laboratory and presentation of the NGS technique used by the laboratory for diagnostics of breast cancer and rare diseases with the bioinformatics analysis of NGS data
- education in medical genetics, genetics education system in Austria, genetic program for students from medical, biological and technical departments
- presentation of laser capture microdissection (LCM)techniques and its application fields and following practice
- investigation of tumour heterogeneity, treatment procedures after capturing (deparaphination, rehydration, DNA/RNA extraction techniques, whole genome amplfication, quality control)
- introduction of LCM was done on Zeiss Palm Microscope on previously prepared slides
- introduction the structure of clinical diagnostics and genetics laboratories at the Clinical Iinstitute for medical and chemical lab diagnostics, after which the following topics were discussed:
* multilocus genetic risk scores for venous thromboembolism risk assesment
* pharmacogenetics in Oncologie (TPMT-Thiopurine, CYP2DC-Tamoxifen, DPYD – 5Fluorouracil)
* pharmacogenetics of statin induced myopathies
- the guided tour was followed at clinical diagnostics and genetics laboratories
- discussion of funding possibilities in Europe, Technology Transfer and International cooperation in research
- Introduction of Research Infrastructure and core facilities, including:
* The Core Facility Imaging
* The Core Facility Mass Spectrometry
* The Core Facility Clinical Research Center(CRC)
* The Core Facility Molecular Biology
- the guided tour through different departments of the Center for medical research (ZMF)
- Introduction of Cell-based colorimetric, fluorescent, and luminescent detection-assisted techniques using microscopy, flow cytometry, and spectrophotometry were discussed
- presentation of research fields of Lipidomics and Metabolomics
- discussion of the Illumina MiSeq next generation sequencing technology
- quality Management at the ZMF
Training Agenda