Developing Medical Genetics Education Through Curriculum Reforms And Establishment of Postgraduate Training Programs EACEA

National Consultations with labour market and other relevant stakeholders

To align better programs and modules to national health care needs, in the first year of the project (2014) Armenian and Israeli participants will organize national broad consultations by gathering all stakeholders of health care, including academia, industry, relevant state authorities, professional organizations where the priority objectives of MG and the recruitment of new specialists on demand-driven basis will be raised. Yerevan State Medical University and Tel Aviv University will host the national consultations in Armenia and Israel, respectively.

- National Consultation in Armenia – 30 April 2014
- Programme (EN/ARM)
- National Consultation in Israel - 30 April 2014
- Programme (EN/HE)

In the second year of MEDGEN (2015), an international conference on MG module/program development and implementation will be organized to address issues and launch the process of development of the content of modules/programs with new teaching materials, blended learning content with e-learning platform to enhance the learning and teaching experience by the use of web- and computer-based communication tools acting as an enabler for compliant, updatable, and interactive learning and teaching methods. The issues which also will be concerned during the conference, include

- Evaluation and quality assurance of programs and modules
- Making a detailed plan for the delivery of the modules and master/residency programs in the third year of the project period.

The conference will be organized and hosted by the Charles University in Prague, in March 2015.

Yerevan State Medical University Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University Alma Mater Studiorum Universita di Bologna Technion-Israel Institute of Technology Tel Aviv University
Medical University of Graz University of Plymouth Charles University in Prague European Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer Universite Paris Descartes
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission: Grant Agreement 544331-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-AM-TEMPUS-JPCR
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