Developing Medical Genetics Education Through Curriculum Reforms And Establishment of Postgraduate Training Programs EACEA

In February 2016, the ongoing Master Program of Genetic Counselling of the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology was approved and licensed by the Technion and High Israeli Counsel

The goal of the updated course is to educate and train genetic counselors, by delivering updated knowledge in medical genetics. 

This master course on Genetic Counselling developed in the frame of the MedGen is aimed to support trainees:

- to achieve understanding of molecular mechanisms of diseases from gene to protein
- to understand biological technologies for diagnosing and treating genetic diseases
- to estimate recurrence risk of genetic conditions in families to analyze test results and
- to provide appropriate recommendation for medical approaches to management of the condition.

The full description of the master course, including the eligibility requirements, program details, special and professional courses dedicated to the program, expected learning outcomes, and evaluation could be found here

Yerevan State Medical University Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University Alma Mater Studiorum Universita di Bologna Technion-Israel Institute of Technology Tel Aviv University
Medical University of Graz University of Plymouth Charles University in Prague European Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer Universite Paris Descartes
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission: Grant Agreement 544331-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-AM-TEMPUS-JPCR
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